Nationwide Medicaid provides life-sustaining health coverage to 37 million children, and the Kaiser Family Foundation says that three children out of every eight in Illinois are sheltered by the Medicaid umbrella. Some legislators in Washington want to cut Medicaid or radically change it, which would threaten essential services that protect society’s most vulnerable population—our children.
In addition to meeting the day-to-day healthcare needs for kids, Medicaid provides crucially important services.
Additionally, it is well-documented that Medicaid produces long-term improvements in health and well-being. For example, studies show that when children are eligible for Medicaid for more of their childhood, they earn more as adults and are more likely to attend and complete college.
At Nash Disability Law, we stand with organizations like Protect Our Care Illinois that fight to prevent disastrous changes to Medicaid, and work to protect and expand access to quality, affordable health care. We hope you will stand with us and contact your elected representatives to tell them that you expect them to protect children by protecting Medicaid.